large diesel engines
Growth in this market sector over the last ten years has allowed us to gain wide experience in machining of large diesel engine components. The use of moving portal and moving table milling machines in these processes has put Mario Carnaghi in a privileged position of respect compared to other machine tool builders. Versatility and tailor-made machine characteristics are required, and those qualities are typical of our company’s culture. The most challenging operations, from the boring of camshaft holes to the bench supports, and cylinder machining, also including all the typical machining operations of this industry, have been the starting point for the design of the machines, imposing high standards of rigidity, precision and repeatability of the machines.The single work piece design requires a unique approach to the construction of the machine and accessories. Special narrow heads must be suitable to produce high repeatability and the most precise machining. We offer a complete process including cycle time study and cutting tools. The results of the acceptance tests and production have fully satisfied and beyond customers’ expectations.
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