The railway sector is where Mario Carnaghi has faced any possible machining challenge with our full product range. Wheel machining - fully rough wheels, rims, hubs, and brakes have been the base for the evolution and improvement of our vertical turning lathes in this specific field. Here, we have generally produced machines with table drives of up to 180 Kw, twin ram heads, and pallet changing systems for high productivity solutions required by railways companies while maintaining the tolerances required.Rail and cross machining - milling machines with a moving bridge with high torque spindles, equipped with one or two slide heads, by means of hybrid locking systems for the rails( mechanical, hydraulic, magnetic). Wagons machining - bogie-frames, frames for locomotive engines, wagons, and chassis of the wagons. Milling machines can be equipped with special accessories, such as laser probes for checking the planarity of the welds between the two metal sheet, and grinding of the same.
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